The Lebanese & The Arab-Palestinian Cause
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The Cost
Something that has constantly amazed me in some of the Lebanese citizens and their political figures is their continuous attachment to the Arab and Palestinian cause. Their constant repetitiveness of the need to defend our Palestinian brothers and their right to a Palestinian nation, whether Israel is to exist or not.
A question I have to ask these people is what is this Arab/Palestinian cause? What is this pseudo-political ideological foundation that has put Lebanon in the pits of despair over and over again? A classical answer to this question would be that the great Zionist Jews came in Palestine and conquered their land. They are Arabs and we are Arabs, so we have to support their cause and refute the presence of this Zionist state. Now my answer to this classical hypocrisy would be, what is left of the Arab and Palestinian cause?
There are 300 million Arabs in this world if not more. Somehow it is up to the 4 million Lebanese to fight for those 300 millions rights. Somehow it is up to us Lebanese to carry the whole existence of the Arab cause and fight for their dying non-existent expired rotting cause, while they build their internet cities and make their economies prosper, while we Lebanese are on the front lines of defending their Arab cause.
It's time to stop these ridiculous out-dated ambitions. To each his own. We Lebanese have to concentrate on the Lebanese cause. The cause that never existed, and the cause that was always overshadowed by the Arab cause and Palestinian conflicts that we have grown saturated with. They accuse people who solely want the interest of Lebanon to come first and have priority of being insensitive and inhumane, and I am personally one of the people being accused. So I would be liked to excused if I refused to have Lebanon become the brother of the middle-east, the whore house of the Arabs, and their crash test dummy. We have concentrated on a useless cause long enough, we have sacrificed enough blood on Lebanese soil for a cause that was not our own.
Lebanon comes first and last in my book. It is time to pave the way for Lebanese who want Lebanon for every single Lebanese citizen. A Lebanon that considers all its citizens equal, and a Lebanon that does not separate its citizens between sects, but between capability and competence of how they can serve their nation, as a Lebanese nation only.
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Comments for The Lebanese & The Arab-Palestinian Cause
And yet why should any other Arab country stand for its "arab-brother" lebanon and all that's ahppening if this argument of yours hold true? Kind of contradictory don't you think? Screw the Palestinian, but when Lebanon's attacked (of no accord regarding the palestinians) it's Hhelp the Lebanese? If you hold that mentality towards Palestinians how can you blame anyone for holding the very same mentality towards Lebanon? When you say "Lebanon is first and last in my book" why should any other country say differently, repectively, about theirs? It's this sort of mentality that plagues the Arab population and is leading to the further destruction of Lebanon.
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