The Disgusting Vanity
Friday, June 01, 2007
I'm not going to comment much about what's going on in the Palestinian camps because there's little to comment about. The Lebanese Army is doing a terrific job, with 6 lightly wounded soldiers up till now, so for now I'm going to focus on something that happened to me last night.
No it did not happen at an Army checkpoint who surprisingly let 4 guys in a car pass by without checking it and saying the famous "3al yamin" phrase, but it happened at the Sanyour restaurant in Kaslik. It was a one time thing after what happened last night, because I honestly can't handle such snobbishness and flaring of money.
So a few friends and I decided to go to Sanyour to enjoy a meza. After spending 10 straight months in the US I have come enjoy just sitting around, eating and doing nothing. I agreed to go to Sanyour because i still had the image of the old Sanyour in my head, one that's cheap and had good food. We got neither, but that's not the point either.
I gave me 1999 Nissan pathfinder to the valet there, and they drove it off. Although there was a lot of room in front of Sanyour. But apparently those places are reserved for the people with nice cars... cars that cost more than 70,000 dollars. Now I'm not angry because they drove my car off. Frankly it wasn't really presentable since I attempted to wash it when there was wind, and let's just say I failed miserably.
I took look at the people around me and the cars, and I just got angry. Here we have people starving in Lebanon, and people not able to pay their bills or even afford electricity, and then you have THOSE people. This just goes to show you the level of social inequality going on in the country. The widening gap between the rich and the poor of Lebanon, which is of course totally unacceptable, by my standards or any person with a conscience.
I don't understand how some one can buy an Infinity SUV while some other Lebanese probably less than a few kilometers away from is trying to find a way to make ends meet. This is certainly not the Lebanon that I want, but it is the Lebanon that I know, and it is the little part of it that I hate, the show-off mentality and the vanity.
It is something that we have to work on changing.