I simply don't get it

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I've been quiet for the last week, because there wasn't anything of much importance to say. You had the usual attacks from left and right in the usual Lebanese "classy" manner but nothing of importance. At least nothing worth mentioning.

Aoun still thinks he's the only candidate, and people continue to follow him for some seriously irrational reasons which I have yet to understand. He has given oxygen to the syrian "opposition". He has given Christian legitimacy to the Hizballah. And what's the excuse? They're Lebanese like everybody else. Here I have something to say.

No mon generale. They are not Lebanese. The Shiites are Lebanese, but the Hizballah is an Iranian funded and founded party that exploits the Shiites to its own advantage. When you are able to prove to me that 90% (hopefully less) of the Shiite population are with a Khomeinist Islamic Republic then I'll agree with you. But until then I'll consider the Marada to be more Lebanese than Hizballah.
posted by Fadi at 10:32 PM | Permalink |

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