Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

Friday, November 23, 2007

Our ex-president, who picture is not even worth posting on this blog has finally stepped down. We have finally rid ourself one of history's worse presidents. No one was committed to the undermining of the independence of this nation more than Emile Lahoud was.

As Johnny Abdo once said, " During his nine years as general he made Hizballah stronger than the army, during his nine years as president, he made the Hizballah stronger than the entire Lebanese nation.

Again, to quote my 5th grade English teacher, "Good riddance to bad rubbish".

As of now however, much more important questions pose themselves on us. What is the 14th of March going to do ? The LF block have said that as of midnight today, any call by Berri doesn't matter since the constitution states that the parliament is now in session indefinitely. The constitution is again a source of conflict, especially when one of the FPM leaders, Mr. Kenaan, starts arguing and shouting (for the lack of a more proper word) about how Aoun's proposition was rejected. Regardless of the fact that the proposition appoints Aoun as the selector of the President and Saad Hariri as the appointer of the PM. But who needs democracy anyway.

The way I see it at the moment. The 14th of March have two options. They can either convene tomorrow and elect a president with a 50%+1 , or they can take the more diplomatic road and try to get to an agreement with the opposition. I am personally against such prolongations of conflict. They will be doing nothing but moving the argument another 6 years. But what surprises me the most is that there will be no need for agreement over the PM or the Speaker of Parliament. It's just amazing how low the Christians have sunk, turning the presidency into an external issue with the president of Zimbabwe looking for a way to stick his nose in.

On the other hand, some trust sources have stated that Jumblat and the PSP have changed their minds about the 50%+1 , and wants to reach a settlement because he is afraid of a clash with Hizballah. Again you have the militant Hizballah, hindering the way for progression. But that's not the core of the problem actually. The core of the problem is that Jumblat is screwing the Christians again by changing his mind last minute for his self-preservation like he did before the 2005 elections.

One is left to wonder what's going to happen. Arguing about political maneuvering is useless at the moment. There's no telling what the self-serving Lebanese politicians will do this time around, but let's just hope it's for the good, and they don't screw Lebanon over and over again.
posted by Fadi at 7:06 PM | Permalink |

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