Ma Tghayir Balad

Sunday, May 21, 2006
This is a small video clip that I found while browsing . It is going to be the first video of many more to come in a weekly video feature that will be started on the blog.

I find this video to be greatly inspiring, although I find it ironic because I am actually studying outside of Lebanon. Missing Lebanon is one of the greatest challenges that my Lebanese students studying abroad have to endure. One other small comment I'd like to make is although this clip is titled "Ma Tghayir Balad" ( don't change country ) I personally think that the title should be "Ma Tghayar El Balad" Look at it. Nothing has changed. The abuse is still there, people are still starving, and our country is slowly being sold to foriegners in pieces in the name of the economy. I hope the government does realize that it can salvage the economy in different ways that don't have to include selling Lebanon piece by piece. Mainly, but not being feudalist bloodsucking liers amatuer carless irresponsible politicians.

posted by Fadi at 2:24 AM | Permalink | 4 comments

Bad Lebanese Habits

Saturday, May 20, 2006
According to my friend Lira = 1500. These are the few things that the Lebanese society is infected with, and yes, it is a disease. You can read more of his blogs on . Feel free to add more in the comments section and I'll add them to the main post.

1. Racism

2. Sectarianism

3. Arrogance

4. Indiscipline

5. Laziness

6. Ignorance

7. Shallowness

8. Corruption
posted by Fadi at 3:49 PM | Permalink | 2 comments

Fixed But With Changes

Friday, May 19, 2006
Hello everyone,

The comment script on the previous template was not working, and since scripting has never been one of my strong points I had to completely change the template. Uptill now everything seems to be working. We would appreciate your feedback on everytihng we write.

posted by Fadi at 7:05 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Technical Difficulties

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
We're experiencing some technical difficulties with the comments section. It will be fixed as soon as possible, but if you would like to comment on something in particular don't hesistate to email us at our adress.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
posted by Fadi at 2:54 AM | Permalink | 1 comments

The Lebanese Youth; Fake Replicas ?

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Before I begin with the topic that I want to discuss concerning the Lebanese youth, I would first like to thank Mazen for his wonderful opening thread, and I'm sure we'll see many more of the same caliber as things get going. And now to the topic at hand.

I'm sure that a large number of the people who are going to be reading this blog will be people under the age of 30. They will be people of principle, and people of thought. But I have always wondered, are they people of free thought ?

If you take a look at Lebanese newspapers these days you will see that the frontpage is full of news concerning local and regional politics, and you might also see the student representative of a certain political party at the bottom of that frontpage. But you will never see a real student movement taking up a space on the frontpage, and if you ask me why, that's because there are no free thinking student movements. Most if not all of the political parties in Lebanon have a student committee, the Free Patriotic Movement, the Future Movement, the Communist Party, Hezbollah, etc... And I believe that all these committees restrict the development of the student body as a whole on all campuses. Instead of seeing students becoming the bringers of change, they have now become a tool of exchange. Do not get me wrong here, I am for the freedom of thought and I believe that you have the right to enter any sort of organization that you want, however, take a minute and look at the Lebanese political scene.

Where do the students come in when it comes to decisions made in politics? You would think that they would have a say since they are told to attend demonstrations and support whatever decision the party they support or sympathize with has took, but sadly that's about it. If the party does not tell them to participate in a demonstration they believe in or think is right. They will not move an inch. Students have become nothing but mere followers and sheep in a stock guided by a shepard. However, the shepherd's decisions do not have to be negative, and could be positive, but just the fact that they will not take part in a certain act without being told by that shepard means that they are truly sheep, which are occasionally sent out to graze.

Since when have students been taught not to think. We could partially blame it on the educational system which teaches a child to accept instead of criticize. We could also blame it on our middle-eastern community which is also based on a feudalistic ideology, or we could blame it on the lack of vision that has hit our youth and has become a virus smeared amongst them. They have become an extension of previous followers. When the government issues a law that restricts a certain freedom or is unjust and unfair no word is uttered by those students if the leader does not say a word.

When you look at any country outside of Lebanon, you will see that the students are the ones who have led the change in society. They have rebelled against whole governments and regimes. They have pressured leaders into giving into their demands, and not the opposite. Lebanon has been stuck in a gigantic loophole for the last 50 years because of the lack of vision that inhabits its youth. Instead of being the condemners of violence they are the messengers of violence. Instead of learning from their elders' huge amount of mistakes, who have done nothing but shed blood on Lebanese territory, they carry on with their legacy threatening to kill and destroy. We do not see the the development of our society through our youth. We are only witnessing the propagation of the old sectarian, feudalistic, and rotting values in them. A small example of this continued rotting mentality is the titles given to the Lebanese leaders, which are a remnant of the Ottomans' regressive era. The shiekhs, the bieks, and the affendis, although removed as official titles by law, are still spread throughout the Lebanese community, the educated and the non-educated. Instead of having a student think about why he is giving that person such a title he goes ahead and says it without giving it a single thought. He does not think that he is giving a person that does not surpass him in anyway as a human-being, physically or mentally, the idea that he is better than him. The Lebanese youth are simply the continuation of mistakes of the past, only reincarnated into new bodies.

Why aren't the students revolting against the government ridiculous economical policies on their own. Why aren't they aware that their country is collapsing in front of their own eyes, and are not starting an initiative on their own for their country, rather than for their parties and leaders? Why aren't they on the streets at this moment protesting against the governments continuous failure? The government's economical policies do not only concern the FPM and HA. They also concern the FM, the PSP and the LF. Where were they? Aren't they aware that their fellow Lebanese are suffering. Are they just blinded by the few cans of oil and donations that they receive from the Hariri foundation? If that's the case, then the thought of not biting the hand that feeds you certainly comes into the affect.

Living on past victories has truly blinded most of the Lebanese youth. Looking at the short-run without taking a step forward and looking at the long-run, and where are the youth? The revolutionary youth that have started riots against their leaders because they did not like their policies. To me, it seems that they are hanging around in a deep slumber. More occupied with winning the university elections for their party, than actually campainging for a better university and a better Lebanon. Orange, blue, red, white, green, fushia, turquoise shirts do not create a new country founded upon patriotic principles, but it seems that this has become their center of attention. Yet, the way I see it, it only creates a rainbow of ignorance that follows to the pot of gold.

The Lebanese youth are asleep, dreaming not acting.
posted by Fadi at 11:38 PM | Permalink | 4 comments


Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Hello Everyone,

I decided to start this blog due to the fact that most of the politics that are being discussed on the Lebanese forums seem to restrict my true freedom of expression. However, this project will not be maintained by me only, but by a few friends as well, who may and may not share the same political view on certain issues and topics. We are all patriotic, some even nationalistic, some pro-arab, some anti-arab. We all have our different views, but we all want a free and independent Lebanon. The other bloggers will introduce themselves shortly.

Hope you enjoy your stay and visit us again.
posted by Fadi at 11:51 PM | Permalink | 1 comments


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